A downloadable virus for Windows and macOS

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very silly and bouncy windows :)))

a program akin to "you are an idiot", every time you try to quit, a new bouncy window with a silly face will appear !

this program isn't actually a virus, it does not do anything malicious, it is just kind of annoying.

you can quit by just killing the program in task manager)

made in godot! 

P.S. : you might wanna open the debug menu by pressing 1!

Updated 23 days ago
Published 25 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Tagsawesome, fake-virus, Godot, goofy, silly


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Windows 24 MB
Windows (Portable) 24 MB
MacOS 46 MB


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you should make them bounce off each other!


new update :)



(2 edits) (+2)

Wine on Linux: works fine (kinda works fine)
don't mind if you don't make linux native


so silly!


So true